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  Ralph Vaughan Williams - Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958), England Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas T...

viernes, 24 de febrero de 2017

Donizetti ( Escena la la locura de Lucia Lammermoor por María Callas )

Maria Callas: Donizetti - Lucia di Lammermoor, 'Mad Scene'

His dear voice now is sounding ...
Those loved tones fill my heart with rapture!
Oh, Edgar, I am restored to thee, 
And all thy enemies have vanished! 
Through my bosom icy chills now do creep! 
Each fibre trembles... my footsteps falter! 
Near to the fountain, oh, let us rest together! 
Alas, I What horrid phantom arises! 
Quickly from here, dear Edgar, 
We'll fly to the altar! Roses bestrew it...
Harmony celestial greets us!
Dost thou not hear it? 
Ah, it is to consecrate our marriage! 
Oh, hasten to seek the altar!
Ah, what felicity! 

The joy that now inspires me, no lips can utter! 
The censer's lighted, 
Brightly, too, burn the tapers, 
And, robed in splendour, 
The priest is waiting. 
Give to me thy right hand... 
Oh, happy day! 

Till death shall part us thy bride am I, love! 
This blissful moment repays for all my suffring. 
Now, in sweet calm united. 
All, all that I hoped for is mine for ever. 
Oh, heavenly Father, to thee my thanks now render, 
For love restored to me. 

Oh, shed one tear of pity. 
When in the grave I'm lying! 
Though I may be in heaven. 
Yet still I'll pray for thee. 
Till thou hast joined me there,..
Heaven hath no joy for me! 
Oh, shed one tear, etc

Resultado de imagen de lucia de lammermoor

Lucía de Lammermoor es un drama trágico en tres actos con música de Gaetano Donizetti y libreto en italiano de Salvatore Cammarano, basado en la novela The Bride of Lammermoor de Sir Walter Scott. Wikipedia
Primera representación26 de septiembre de 1835
Escrita en1835

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