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domingo, 26 de junio de 2016

Purcell ( The indian Queen )

H. Purcell: «The Indian Queen» Z. 630 [Academy of Ancient Music]
Henry Purcell 1659-1695

The Indian Queen
Semi-opera based on a tragedy by John Dryden and Robert Howard.
Masque music of the additional act by Daniel Purcell [1661-1717]

1. First Music - Air
2. Second Music - Air
3. Overture
4. Trumpet Tune

5. Wake Quivera, wake
6. Why should men quarrel
7. By ancient prophecies
8. Trumpet Tune

Act Two:
9. Symphony
10. I come to sing great Zempoalla's story
11. What flatt'ring noise is this
12. Scorn'd Envy, ther's nothing
13. Trumpet tune
14. We come to sing great Zempoalla's story
15. Dance
16. Second act tune

Act Three:
17. Dance
18. Ye twice ten hundred deities
19. Symphony - Seek not to know wha must not be reveal'd
20. Trumpet Overture
21. Ah! Ah! How happy are we
22. We the spirits of the air
23. I attempt form Love's sickness to fly in vain
24. Thrid Act tune: Rondeau

Act Four:
25. they tell us that you mighty powers aboce
26. Fourth act tune: Air

Act Five:
27. While thus we bow
28. You who at the altar stand - All dismal sounds

Additional Act: Masque [D. Purcell]
29. Symphony
30. To bless the genial bed - Come all, come at my call
31. I'm glad I have met him
32. The joys of wedlock soon are past
33. Make haste, make haste to put on love's chains
34. Trumpet air - Let loud renown with all her thousand tongues

John Mark Ainsley [Indian Boy]
Emma Kirkby [Indian Girl, Zempoalla]
John Mark Ainsley [Fame]
David Thomas [Envy]
Gerald Finley [Ismeron]
Thomas Williams [God of Dreams]
Catherine Bott [Orazia]
David Thomas [High Priest]
Gerald Finley [Hymen]
Libby Crabtree [A Follower of Hymen]

Academy of Ancient Music Chorus
Academy of Ancient Music Chamber Ensemble
Christopher Hogwood [conductor]

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